Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Must Read: Friendly Books

Happy Tuesday!

I know the cute photo above says "Monday," so let's just pretend :)

Thank you to Kindergarten Planet and The Kindergarten Connection for hosting a linky near and dear to my teaching heart!

There's already so many wonderful titles shared, 
so I'm going to try to add some new faves.

I dare you not to tear up reading this to a group of little ones! 
Every. single. time.

I know this book is about so much more than friendship, but it definitely covers this category, too. This past spring we read it and explored this sensory bin (question cards were inserted):

This was a new-to-me book this year and quickly became a classic. I referenced Tara West's Close Reading Lesson Plans - she included so many fantastic questions!

Fantastic book! I'm a special educator working in two first grade inclusion classrooms. This past school year, I worked with four students with autism. I visited both classrooms during the week and read several books about autism. The read alouds led to thoughtful conversations from the first graders! Another book I recommend is My Friend Has Autism by Amanda Doering Tourville.

AND...because it's Tuesday, I'm also linking up with Teach.Talk.Inspire and My Day in K (♥ both of these blogs!) 
to share my Teacher Bucket List.

I can explain...

I've done the presenting big (national) and small (school) and loved it. I still see presenting to share information and encourage conversations between educators in my future, however I won't be actively seeking out opportunities this year.

I also was a Teacher Development Leader at my school, but the role was redeveloped (in a good way) and I decided not to reapply. 

I'm hoping I can still mentor new teachers, or at least be a resource or thinking partner if they need one. I'm a huge geek and love to talk about education.

This year, I'm just going to TEACH! And teach the very best I can. To continuing learning, I'm participating in book studies to hone my craft and I'd LOVE to attend Ron Clark Academy 
(this spring if I get my nerve up!). 

It does feel a little strange...not having the huge professional goals I've always set for myself. But I'm also REALLY excited about it. After all, my very favorite thing is when I get to TEACH.

So, if you're looking for me next year, I'll be busy with my students. Teaching like a mad woman!

Thank you for reading! 
Please stop back tomorrow - BIG happenings here :)


  1. Love your bucket list! The Ron Clark Academy is about 3 hours away from me. I've thought about going myself!

  2. I love your teacher bucket list! Thanks for sharing. #teachonsister

    The Teaching Twosome

  3. I admire you for knowing that now is simply a time to reconnect with your first professional love. It's easy to get caught up in the pursuit of being "on top" and highly visible. I bet you have a phenomenal year, and I can't wait to read all about it!

  4. Great Bucket! I'm also aiming to go to RCA! You can do it! Check out my post, it includes a FREEBIE.
    All the best!

  5. RCA seems like a popular bucket list item. I am very hopeful that I will get there some day too!


  6. I love your bucket list and admire your goals! I can't wait to read about your year with your students and just getting back to the heart of teaching. Thanks so much for linking up with us!

    Teach Talk Inspire

  7. Visit RCA is a must! I want to go one day as well! He has been so inspiring and the children have so much fun at school!

    Magically in First

  8. Thanks so much for linking up your Must Reads! I am in LOVE with your sensory bin for The Giving Tree! How fun! I bet your students loved it!

  9. HELLO! I ditto your list. I have all these books!!!! THANKS FOR SHARING!

  10. HELLO! I ditto your list. I have all these books!!!! THANKS FOR SHARING!

  11. I loved reading your goals. Sounds like you will have a wonderful year teaching with your kiddos! I wish you all the luck as you work towards attaining your goals. Thanks for linking up with us.

  12. Hi! Ooops! Had a mishap with my posting. I also love The Giving Tree and your sensory bin is adorable! I bet that was a good time! I have heard of Enemy Pie, but haven't read it. I will need to check that out. I'm so glad you linked up with us!
    Kindergarten Planet
