Thursday, August 16, 2012


Looking at everyone else's purchases is almost as fun as shopping!
Blog Hoppin' is hosting this fabulous linky to share all the treasures we picked up during the B2S Sale @ TPT this past weekend! Be sure to link back to check out all the finds!

I'm very thankful for this linky because 1) I'm finding even more incredible products out there (which are a deal even when they aren't on sale) and 2) it's getting my mind off of this:

Please don't ask, I'm so not ready to discuss this yet!
I did go shopping twice on Monday evening - first my initial purchase, then using my feedback credits to score even more! Here's what I got:

Since I can't post the Math Coach's Corner entire store (which I've almost purchased), I selected the Composing/Decomposing activity. Her products (& blog) provide so much useful information on helping our students master math skills.

Oh my goodness, these posters are WONDERFUL! Bright, easy-to-read (& touch) - Angelia Grimes Graeme knows exactly what my students need!

This last purchase is from Brooke Benyon:  20 dice and card games - haven't printed it yet, but it looks easy, meaningful, & FUN!
Have you noticed a math theme? Yup, me too!
I'll write more on that later!

I just uploaded my latest Sentence Builders Packet:

Check it out & see more pictures here!

Have a super day!


  1. I love those Touch Point posters, too! I totally feel you on the not finished room thing too, we are 3 days into school and we are still waiting on paint! Oh well... :)
    I love finding other "special teachers." Hop on over to my blog to find out more.

    Mrs. H's Resource Room

  2. I'm your newest follower, I found you through Mrs. H's Resource Room blog. I teach 4th and 5th grade ED in a self contained room. I totally relate to your first picture! I always worry that I won't get the room all put together in time for open house (the night before school starts) but somehow it works out!
    I love the dice and card games! So easy and fun- I like games that are different each time you play!

    Teaching Special Kids

  3. Oh my goodness, thanks so much for giving me the shout out. Can you believe I found this post because I googled my own name? LOL!

    Extra Special Teaching

    1. Haha, I recently mustered up the courage to google myself & found the same results - I was on blogs I didn't even realize! Glad you found this - the Touch Number posters look very cute posted in our intervention room!
      Take care,
