Friday, August 24, 2012

Teacher Week: Friday Freebie!

What a fantastic week of linking up with Blog Hoppin'!
It was the first week back for our students & without this linky party, I really doubt I would have completed a blogpost this week! I'm still reading through all the weeks' posts & can't wait to check out the freebies today!
Over the past month, I've seen some amazing pics from bloggers' and friends' classrooms. Many of these pictures including word walls. My Friday Freebie is a tool designed to (hopefully) promote interactions with the word wall whether in small groups, at a literacy center, or for fast-finishers:
Pick up your copy at my TPT store!
There are two versions to print out and laminate. I use a paperclip & straw or pencil to make a student-friendly spinner :)
Have a fabulous Friday!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the freebie, it will be so useful in my classroom. I am your newest follower! If you have time come check me out at

