Saturday, September 1, 2012


WHAT HAPPENED? It's been more than a week since I've blogged...but only feels like 5 minutes!
We just finished our second week of school & boy, it was BUSY!
Our first week was the summer school schedule - 7:45-12:15 pm for students. This past week, we began our regular schedule of 7:45-4:15 pm. That's a LONG day for my little friends! They were troopers, although many succumbed to power naps, usually during Writer's Workshop :(

This post will be short & sweet because I will be using the entire 3-day weekend to process everything that happened this week! Mostly good, but my job looks COMPLETELY DIFFERENT than last year and I need to set aside all my preplanning & expectations and switch gears! More on that later!

First and foremost,
I realized my students really need extra support with behavior :)

I'm really excited our entire school has normed around using a "MVP" chart to set and reinforce expectations. My co-teacher used it last year & I felt it was SO effective.

I just made a version to laminate for my small-group table. The general educators use an interactive slide on the promethean board:

(I have small tables in the back of two classrooms.
I laminated &taped this half-page chart to the table to refer to)

M = Movement
V = Voice (we use noise levels 0, 1, and 2)
P = Participation

This chart is used doing Independent Work Time. Lessons usually include Guided Practice at the carpet as a whole group, then "showing what you know" with an exit ticket, or other written activity. The MVP chart is reviewed before students are sent to their tables to complete their work. After the activity, the chart is reviewed again and students determine if they earned a star, check, or X in each category. The teacher has already discussed appropriate "brain breaks" for the outcome.
Obviously, you don't want to earn a X!

Teachers may adjust what the "V" or "P" looks like for different activities, such as math centers or partner work. The "M" most likely wouldn't change, especially since we have a TON of chair-tippers this year! Anyone have any suggestions for that??

I have a blank template to change expectations, if necessary:

Pick up both copies here!

Stop back tomorrow - I'm putting the finishing touches on behavior-point charts!

Happy Saturday!

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