Monday, April 8, 2013

Currently April!

Linky, Linky, Linky
This is my third linky party post in a row! I appreciate all the hosts of linky's been so much fun glimpsing into other bloggers' lives both in & out of the classroom.
It's way past time to link up with Farley for the April Currently, but here's mine:

Listening - I need to STOP listening to this song! It's sooo emotional & for some reason gets to me! But it's also so sweet ♥
Loving - the positive vibe that makes my school so wonderful is BACK!!!!! I've only hinted at this in past posts, but it's been a really tough year at my school. I can say it aloud now because it's totally turned around! We've experience a lot of growth & now getting back to business. It's makes the BIGGEST difference in our day-to-day work. I work with an extremely challenging group and now my "bring it!" attitude is back :)
Thinking - I'm running a 6K in a few weeks and have been busy doing laps on the indoor track. I do really enjoy  the solitary pre-work running, but today it's beautiful enough to take it outdoors. This is my running view:
It's so nice to be out there! I follow the waterfront promenade...about 4-5 miles with occasional one-minute breaks here and there to catch my breath.
Wanting - SUMMER!!! My summer is only from June 12th to July 25th and I have A LOT I want to accomplish. A grad class, tons of blogging, updating TPT files, traveling for weddings, friends, & family, and the usual organizing my house before starting back for next school year.
Needing - of course, I need summer to hurry up & get here so I can get my projects underway. I also need an Advil. I had oral surgery over a week ago & it STILL hurts! I never filled the painkiller prescription (too nervous to mess with it) and have decreased my Advil from 2 every 4 hours to only 1 every 6-8 hours. But still, it's been a week! Can't wait 'til next week when it's 100% healed.
Advice - what a great idea from Farley! I can't wait to hear others' advice. I've been blogging & TPT-ing for about 18 months and have seen & learned so much. It's very easy to get caught up in the newest fad (I still do), & it's also easy to feel like you're one step behind & will never catch up to the latest giveaway, linky, etc. (yup, that's me!). Even though it feels like everyone is doing "better" than you, my advice is to stay true to your students. If you constantly create and revise to meet your students' needs, I don't think you'll ever go wrong. I once created a file upon a request, although it was not a content area I was teaching with my own students. I never truly felt good about the finished outcome... it was okay, but always seemed to be missing that spark. My students definitely add a sparkle to all my teaching materials :)
Please link back to Farley to read others' April Currently & advice!
Have a super week!


  1. I am with you on wanting summer except I am wanting it for a different reason. I will be having our first baby this summer and I can't wait to meet her!

    KinderKids Fun

    1. Congratulations! I'm sure it's hard to concentrate with spring fever, testing, and your exciting news!

  2. Visiting for Farley! How did you get the positivity back at your school? We've had a tough year too and I just miss the smiles!

    1. I hear you on the smiles, it's so hard when everybody's losing their sparkle. We had a personnel change which brought back that "fresh start" feeling. Before that happened, I was really focusing on finding the good everyday with my own students (I was keeping a gratitude list when it got really tough). Blogging and TPT also provided a happy outlet. Good luck!!
