Saturday, May 25, 2013

Five for Friday: Father's Day Freebie!

Happy Weekend!
It's time for Five for Friday!

Please visit Kacey of Doodle Bugs Teaching to read more!
Teachers Notebook has put together a spectacular bundle of products from generous teachers & artists. The bundle is available through a donation with 100% of the proceeds going to Moore, OK. The bundle includes over 500 products! I appreciate the opportunity to donate!
Teachers Pay Teachers have similar donation bundles available...
Here's the links for the K-2 and Grades 3-6 bundle.
4. First Grade Play!
This past week, each first grade class presented "Stand Back, The Elephant is Going to Sneeze!" It's an adorable story that lends itself perfectly to a first grade play (with differentiated dialogue!). We do it every year :)
A couple weeks back, I shared about my recent trip to Las Vegas.
It was So. Much. Fun! Here's more proof:
chillin' at the pool
(NOT my foot!)
View from my room!
I already shared that on my long flight out, I chatted with a professional poker player. What I forgot to mention was that I spilled my entire drink on him :(  I hadn't even had a sip yet! He was quite nice about it and the flight attendant brought me a replacement:
 there's just no caption for this
Speaking of card playing, Donna of Math Coach's Corner shared this awesome booklet this past week. It includes math games and activities that use a deck of cards. I shared this with my team as summer resource for students and their families. Thanks Donna!
As the school year winds down (10 more days!) and our internal Special Education audit is over (yesterday - yay!!), I'm able to think about widening my circle of online friends :) I can't recall a single time I've been online connecting with bloggers, facebook friends, pinterest, or instagram (my latest obsession!), when I haven't had a major lightbulb teaching moment or, at the very least, gleamed a teaching tip or two. This summer, I'd like to focus on connecting with even more online educators. I plan to be more active pinning, follow more bloggers, comment on instagram, offer freebies for facebook fans, etc. If you would like to help me be more active, please consider becoming a follower.
Thanks so much!
My facebook page is here and my name on Instagram is positivelylearning
See you there :)
 I just revised my mini-mini-pack for Father's Day!
Pick up this freebie here!
Have a super holiday weekend!


  1. Your play looks adorable! I am not familiar with the book, but it is definitely on my wish list now!! I have just started following you on Instagram - you can find me at ThePictureBookTeachersEdition
    Looking forward to connecting more this summer :)
    The Picture Book Teacher's Edition

  2. I am so excited to see your post and your play! I just posted about my Fairytales Readers Theater coming up in a week! It is my favorite time of the year! Have a great weekend!
    Ms. Marciniak's First Grade Critter Cafe

  3. Isn't that Teachers Notebook bundle awesome?! I just finished downloading everything and more were added! Whew!

    I know about connecting with more bloggers out there! It is so wonderful to collaborate a lot more!

    I am on Instagram: readingtowardthestars ~ still trying to figure it all out!

    Reading Toward the Stars

  4. I purchased the teacher's notebook bundle, and WOW - so much to go through! I actually went back to get two more for teacher friends. Thanks so much for the great father's day freebie as well! Much appreciated!
    Whimsy Workshop 

  5. I love all your ideas! I am excited to connect with other bloggers too! I have been teaching for almost 20 years but the past couple of years have been my favorites because of all the on-line collaboration and ideas! I am your newest follower of your blog and facebook page!

  6. Thanks for all your wonderful comments - I so appreciate it :)
