Saturday, May 18, 2013

Five for Friday: Final Weeks!

Happy Weekend!
It's time for Five for Friday!

Hosted by Kacey at Doodle Bugs Teaching

I'm also double-dipping this week to link up with a teacher I've been a fan of for YEARS! The ultra-talented Amanda Madden (Teachers Clubhouse). She hosts a weekly Friday Flashback:

5. This is being written early Saturday mornng
before jumping in the car to go here:
Pippin Hill Farm
 We are attending a 6 pm wedding tonight of two amazing people. Congratulations Lisa & Ted!
4. I finally figured out Instagram this week! I ♥ it!!!
What took me so long?
Please find me: positivelylearning
Here's the update:
Getting there! This Friday is our internal audit for Special Education. NWEA Testing is halfway done...6 more F&P's to go...two more IEPs, interim assessments....then DONE!!!
Our last day is June 13th!
2.  Morning Surprise!
Wednesday was a big day & it was lights out very early for me. I could hear some commotion going on downstairs, but just figured it was the opening of mail, getting a snack, etc.
It was such a nice surprise to walk downstairs the next morning to get my coffee & see the flowers! The true gift was not being woken up & getting to discover them on my own :)
1. My Clipart Vice
My clipart vice is completely OUT OF CONTROL. I have clipart I haven't even downloaded yet!! Last summer I recategorized every clipart bundle with appropriate names (product & artist credit), subfolders, folders, etc. By now, the folders are a hot mess! I'm sure I will find and rediscover so many gems when I reorganize all of it during break.
I know the vice is taking over because I just updated my Happy Memorial Day packet...adding new features, updating the frames & fonts, etc. It took me at least THREE times as long because of all the clipart! Instead of 100 choices for borders and frames, I now have 1000+. I just purchased Kimberly Geswein's fonts (wow!) and I spent even more time on fonts than clipart!! Anyone else?
Here's a glimpse of the updated packet:
Enjoy your weekend!


  1. I completely agree..I have an obsession with fonts and graphics! It's a hot mess.

  2. Fonts and graphics....totally obessessed! They're definitely on my summer "to do" list to get organized! Your flowers are very pretty! That was a nice surprise! =)

    A+ Firsties

  3. Thanks for the comments! It's amazing to think how much the clipart has changed over one short year! Can't imagine what we'll be saying a year from now!
