Thursday, August 29, 2013

A Day in the Life...Linky

I thought I better join a linky before I forget I even have a blog...& Second Grade Nest is throwing such a fun party!

My weekdays are pretty much the same everyday:
The alarm goes off at 4:00 am. I often will wake up a few minutes before the very annoying buzzer. The race is on for a quick shower (hair in ponytail), brush teeth, pour coffee (set on a timer), get dressed, put contacts in, & go...
I have exactly one hour to workout...usually 25 minute weights and 25 minutes of cardio, with a 10 minute cushion that I also try to fit abs into. I do NOT like the rushed feeling, but there's no other time in my day to get my fitness on!

I walk in the door from the gym at 5:30 and quickly make a protein smoothie (whey protein, almond milk, ice, and coffee = cappuccino!). Shower and get ready as fast as possible. Brush teeth, grab lunch, and head out the door BEFORE 6:10 am. Luckily I do this alone...I would feel very bad for anyone who got in my way during this time ;)
I have a 15 minute commute (I'm very lucky!) and usually seated at my desk or standing in front of a copier by 6:30. Some days I also have meetings before our staff Morning Stand-Up at 7:30 am. Once 7:30's on! Here's a snip of my daily schedule:

The red and blue designate which classrooms I'm working in (pushing in to whole group, pulling small groups, etc). Power Hour is a reading intervention block (similar to Guided Reading). The "1st M..." notes at the bottom are my lunch meetings for Indirect Consultations with the general educator. If I don't have a lunch meeting, I will go outside to eat and support the transport of 700 students back and forth from recess! We have recess monitors, but it doesn't hurt to have another pair of eyes! Plus I'm committed to seeing daylight this school year :)  I have a student teacher this semester, so today we spent planning observing other teachers. I ♥ it and may continue practicing this next semester!

I usually get to my car at 4:45 pm (I leave immediately after school, my brain is DONE) and get home by 5:15 (more traffic on the way home). My secret to de-stressing in traffic...comedy! I subscribe to Sirius/XM (♥) and listen to Laugh USA. It works! Many aren't that great, but about one routine per day will make me LOL. I also turn my ringer off so I can't hear my email dings. Trust me - it works! Dinner is a quick salad and protein (I freeze ahead). I can usually get dinner ready in about 5 minutes. Yum!
Once dinner is done and emails/phone calls are done, I try to relax with blogging or reading. All electronics are put to sleep by 7:00 (or at least, that's my goal). These first few weeks have been all about prep for the next school day, but I see that dying down hopefully soon!
I don't really get much work done during the week because students seem to realize when my planning time is and have an "emergency." I do my work on weekends, which is fine with me because I'm rested and have all the comforts of home surrounding me. I also go out either Friday or Saturday pm for a "real meal." Sunday Funday in my household means a healthy day with a little bit of work, a long run, and a movie.
It's a crazy-busy life, but I love it!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! 4AM! That is dedication, especially to work out too. : ) XM is great...
    Kids Math Teacher
