Monday, August 12, 2013

Teacher Week: Meet the Teacher!

Just completed DAY ONE of students!
It was a positive and exciting day & a blog hop is the perfect way to unwind. I'm linking up with Blog Hoppin' (♥) for Teacher Week:

and today is "Let's Talk About Me!"
Hmmm...I like to talk, a lot, but I've tried to remain mostly under the radar on this blog. A few blurbs here and there, and a few emails sent from people who figured out who I am! So I'm not sure how "fun" these things are, but it is a big step for me to share them publicly. Hope I can come up with 10!
1. I taught piano and music for 15-ish years (there were two years of part-time near the end) and just started my 4th year of being a Special Educator. I thought I would miss piano dearly, but I truly love what I do. I also really enjoyed running the business side of a piano studio, so TPT has been a dream for me to stay involved!
2. I met my husband when I was 18. That was over 20 years ago! Here we are last summer:

3. I'm somewhat obsessed with teaching. If you're reading this blog, you probably are, too! I'm very lucky to be able to do what I want (teach, think about teaching, create teaching materials) almost 100% of the time. Balance is not a word I'm too familiar with and I'm finally coming to terms with the fact that that's OKAY!  Besides a beach vacation thrown in here and there, I wouldn't want it any other way.
4. I love the beach! We go at least 2 times per year to Redington Beach, Florida. My MIL has a house and graciously lets us stay there whenever we want. We try to go 1-2 times when she is in town and then 1 time by ourselves. It's quiet and GORGEOUS there!

5. One of my favorites places on Earth also goes along with #4:
We visit the "Pink Palace" at least once every time we're in Florida and usually have Christmas dinner there (glor-i-ous!). I just need to figure out a way to retire and move in!
6. Oh my, we're only at 6? Random facts time...I'm the youngest of three (boy, girl, then me) and my siblings are amazing. They don't work in education, but are always supportive. I'm also very blessed to be the aunt to two girls and three boys. ♥
7. I love to workout and try to hit the gym everyday before work. It's the best time! I love to lift weights and I put up with cardio :)  I do it for health reasons, there's no way I could do my job without it!
8. I collect positive quotes and place them car, office, refrigerator. My FB avatar is my favorite quote of all:
"She believed she could, so she did." Simple as that!
9. I also love data! I know, that's probably not a popular thing to share. I collect data endlessly at school, which is thankfully a major part of my job description. I actually use all the data to plan my next steps. There's nothing better than when I can display samples of significant growth to a concerned parent. Yup, I know that categorizes me as a geek and I'm totally okay with it.
10. Sooo...I'm finally revealing why I chose my blog name...Positively Learning. I like to keep things extremely positive, especially with the environment I work in. I create and use many "games" in my teaching and my students are almost always begging to play again (yay!). That's the "Positive Learning" spin on the name. But I also want to make sure my students are learning to their full potential, and then some. So almost all my materials include a support to collect data, often a checklist or observation log. So that goes with "Are you positive they are learning?"
I did share that I was a geek (see #9).
Please link back to Blog Hoppin' to read more about all our favorite bloggers (and meet some new ones!). See you tomorrow for "Classroom Digs."

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