Thursday, August 15, 2013

Teacher Week: Taming the Wild

Today is Day 4 (TGIF tomorrow!) of Teacher Week and the theme is Taming the Wild!
That does seem a bit harsh, but you can bet I'm reading through everyone's post with a fine-tooth comb for tips and tricks.
My contribution is also a throwback (plus new freebies!),
so please excuse me while I link up twice:
Hosted by Blog Hoppin'
Hosted by The First Grade Parade
Here's my original post from September 2012:
Behavior Management Linky ~ Superhero Style
This linky party has PERFECT timing!
Thank you What the Teacher Wants!!

As our students are growing more "comfortable" with their new classrooms and teachers, we're having plenty of opportunites to learn all about what makes each & every student special and unique :)
I have a student who has a "big" personality & also just happens to LOVE superheroes. He responds to positive reinforcement (most of the time!), so I have been using this personalized behavior chart featuring his favorite heroes:

When I create a behavior tracker, I do my best to state expectations into positive, student-friendly language. My intention is to have my students eventually gain skills in monitoring their own behavior and taking responsibility for their actions.
For the above example, the expectations are stated in the same language used throughout the school and classrooms:
Use materials appropriately (i.e.: keeping all 4 legs of the chair on the floor, not grabbing materials out of others' hands, and keeping things out of our mouth).
Staying in assigned area (i.e.: do not leave carpet area, table, or classroom without permission; staying in line when moving as a class throughout the school)
Participating (i.e.: not laying down during instruction; listening and raising a quiet hand)
This student has the opportunity to color in 6 superheroes. A superhero is earned during 6 content areas, but are not necessarily tied into an assigned time period. I feel this allows for "fresh starts"in case we wander off track. As we "check in" on our behavior throughout the day, we discuss the choices we've been making and what these expectations look like in the classroom. At this time, we allow up  to three reminders before "losing" a superhero. This number is tracked simply by tally marks and can be adjusted as the school year progresses.
At the end of the day, we complete the chart together and then we both sign our autographs. There's no tangible prize tied in to earning the superheroes at this time. On the occasion my student colored in all 6 (!!!), he did receive a surprise sticker.
Do any of your students have their own behavior chart? If they do, is it similar to this? I'm always looking for new ideas to help my students regulate their behavior!
Click here to download two formats of the superhero chart - 1 is blank to customize for your own students:

The adorable superheroes are from Melonheadz Illustrating.
I just put together two revised versions of the behavior chart to help some new friends:
There are 24 boxes which lends flexibility on frequency and behaviors. For example, one student is using a timer in 5 minute increments with a planned incentive earned after a designated amount of superheroes colored in. Another student has specific goal behaviors to exhibit in order to color in an adorable Hello Kitty. This open-ended chart can be adjusted as the duration of time on task increases or mastery of behavior goals lead to changing the targets.
Please click here to download both versions!
The graphics are from Melonheadz Illustrating and Scrapworld (which doesn't appear to be in business anymore,
sorry I couldn't provide a link).

This post was also featured with:
Classroom Freebies Manic Monday

Have a wonderful Thursday!


  1. So cute! Sometimes a personal behavior plan is needed for those "big" personalities!
    A Tall Drink of Water

  2. I absolutely love the superhero behavior tracking charts! Is there any way that you can email me an editable copy, unfortunately it uses adobe when downloaded and I can't add text.
