Saturday, September 7, 2013

Currently: A New Record

For this month's Currently, I'm setting a new record...of tardiness :(
When I think of setting PRs, I'm not thinking about blogging! But alas...  I'm still linking up & I absolutely ♥ Farley's design!
LISTENING - it's that time of year (this is actually occurring several times a year now), where I'm digging deep into my "You Go Girl!" music to keep myself pumped up through my workouts, lesson planning, and life in general. This list has some old stand-by's & also a few new ones added in:
I'd love to hear some of your faves!
LOVING: see picture below :)
That's my Target cart!
THINKING: Yes, dinner conversation last night revolved around plans for winter break. It was that type of week, but we also are trying to figure out if we can sneak in a weekend away before our holiday vacation. We have a pair of free plane tickets to use before Christmas, but no TIME to go anywhere!
WANTING: Besides the obvious (world peace, health, & wealth), I think I'm good! At least, I'm trying to be...practicing gratitude for all the simple, yet amazing things I see and experience daily.
NEEDING: I made a printer upgrade last weekend and it's a huge life-changer! I said goodbye to my expensive printer that was refusing to print cardstock and demanding the most expensive ink EVER and welcomed a printer that doesn't mind printing and uses reasonably priced cartridges. I'm also eagerly expecting a delivery of 1000 (!!!!) sheets of cardstock AND lamination sheets. Yes, I will be snapping pics and popping them up to Instagram!
♥ - I love that Farley added this "Love Yourself" Spot
This is a much-needed area of growth for me. Over the summer, I attended a PD from The Energy Project (check it out!). While I do reasonably well in the area of nutrition and exercise, I'm still struggling in getting enough sleep and seeing daylight. I made a commitment (this was in July) to step outside for at least 10 minutes every single day at school and I'm happy to say, I haven't broken this promise yet! My student teacher and I have stepped out during our lunch break (recess) every day and soaked up some Vitamin D while also assisting with a few students who needed breaks, shoes tied, etc. We've even been recruited to monitor a few basketball games and relay races. I don't know if it's helping with my energy yet or not (I'm still so doggone tired at the end of week 4!), but it's been helpful interacting with students outside of the classroom.
Thanks for reading my Currently. Please don't forget to leave me some of your motivational music must-haves!
Have a super Saturday!

1 comment:

  1. I'm totally with you on the tardiness! I also posted my Currently today.. whoops! I looove your "You Go Girl!" playlist! I need that when doing lesson plans for sure. I really like your idea of getting outside everyday, it definitely makes a difference!

    The Resource Room Teacher
