Thursday, September 5, 2013

TBT: Rekenreks CCSS Task Cards Freebie!

Oh my, thank goodness for TBT!
I don't have the energy to share about my last few weeks (& I don't think you really want to know!). I'll be back this weekend with pics and updates!
For now, I'm very excited to share this o-l-d post for Throwback Thursday because it features something I use CONSTANTLY with success (meaning my students are learning AND have fun).
Please read to the end to pick up a mega-freebie!!
From October 18, 2012
I've been meaning to share this for a couple weeks now...
We used these bracelets to practice "The Story of Ten." For example, the picture above is representing 7 + 3 = 10.  We moved the beads to represent all the different combinations. The students LOVED it & I especially loved the idea of my students receiving OT services getting extra practice :)
We had accompanying worksheets to draw all the different "stories" using red/yellow counters (I'll post those soon!) and together we made an anchor chart (not worthy of a photo, but it got the job done!).
We have moved on in math, so the bracelets were worn home awhile ago & I tucked my set away for next fall...until I saw this:

This awesome idea was posted by Julie from Make, Take, & Teach and featured on one of my favorite sites:
Math AND Phonemic Awareness from a package of beads & pipe cleaners? Yes, please. My students adore them!
Tomorrow is a PD day for us - "Data Day" where we will analyze NWEA results, as well as the last round of interims. Because I'm a total geek & the nature of my position, I ♥ these days!

...back to 2013!

Over the summer I made a set of bracelets and stored them with these task cards.

There are SO many cards (80+!), please only print what you need. Of course, I printed them on colorful assorted cardstock :)

At the end of the file there are also several options for printing worksheets:

Happy almost Friday!


  1. I like the idea of a bead bracelet. It sounds like more fun than using work mats. Thanks for sharing.


  2. What a fun, concrete way to learn addition. We are using number racks in my first grade room right now and I just heard of a free app called number rack. It looks wonderful and might be a fun next step for your students.
