Friday, December 27, 2013

Your Job Description & Whole 30!

Good Morning!

This is my last full day in sunny Florida...sad :(
It's been a fabulous vacation! I've had time to play, celebrate, think, and SLEEP! I've been sleeping a full 8 hours every night which I didn't even know I was capable of! I'm completely refreshed and actually looking forward to getting back to business
(but let's not rush it).

I wrote a Thirteen in '13 post a couple days ago and 4 of you read it before it went "poof!" It may make a return visit if this afternoon is cloudy. But if it's beachy-sunny again today, all bets are off!

I had written about my biggest accomplishment of 2013...completing my first Whole 30 challenge. Do you know about this already? You can read all about it here...or here it is in a nutshell: no sugar, no alcohol, no dairy, and no gluten. I realize that may not sound like too much fun, but after 2 weeks I felt SOOOO energetic, it didn't matter! Plus I was eating so much without keeping track...tons of veggies, proteins, and healthy fats. I felt like a million bucks! I finished my 30 days around October and have kept it going (mostly) with a few slips during Thanksgiving and Christmas. I'm ready to start it again in the new year...anyone want to join me?

I gave myself a healthy Christmas gift...
The Whole Athlete workshop! I'm super excited (& nervous)!
It will be fun to meet others who are as neurotic motivated as me! 

That brings me to this blogpost title...when you are meeting new people, how do you describe your job? I'm assuming most of us say "teacher" or "special educator," but what about everything else we do? Does anyone mention: blogger, educational consultant, teacher development leader (that may be unique to my school), superwoman?  I've met a few people during this vacation and I feel like "teacher" just doesn't begin to explain how I spend my time (at school and elsewhere). Sometimes I add "inner-city" to teacher to try to explain what my day-to-day looks like.
 I'd love to hear your thoughts!

As I put my teacher-hat back on, I'm sharing a recent freebie that may help get us back on track when are students return:

Please click here to download this quick assessment form.
I'm linking up with Freebie Friday at Teaching Blog Addict!

Freebie Fridays

Have a wonderful Friday!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for linking up last week at Teaching Blog Addict and offering our follower such a terrific freebie!
    Please come back Friday, you're my Featured Blogger! :)
    Fern Smith's Classroom Ideas!
    Fern Smith's Pinterest Boards!
