Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Slam Dunk! GOOOOO UD!

When you're from Dayton, there are just not that many things to be super-excited about. There's plenty of wonderful things about the city...the Air Force Museum at WPAFB just gets better and better, Marion's Pizza (I would happily accept a long-distance delivery), the friendliest neighborhoods (my hometown), etc. I could go on and on, but while these things make Dayton special, I also often take them for granted. 

Until now. 

The Cinderella Story of The University of Dayton's men basketball team has been down-right exciting! Even when I just barely comprehend what's going on in the tournament, it's been fun seeing all the Dayton highlights and clips all the way from over here in Baltimore. I've even been wearing my old (old!) UD gear to show my pride :)  I hope everyone will cheer them on this Thursday against Stanford! Thanks! & sorry again about your brackets!

In the spirit of the season, I just linked up with A Spoonful of Learning's very first linky party! Check it out here! The party features a ton of freebies and products perfect for Spring learning. I added my Slam Dunk! Subtraction Fact Fluency pack:

Fact Fluency is ongoing with my small groups and this packet offered my students an exciting change of pace. And if they're excited about math learning? Then I'm excited, too!

Have a wonderful Tuesday!


  1. Yeah UD! I currently live in Dayton, we're all a-buzz about their success so far!! WOO HOO

  2. Congrats on another big win!
    I'm originally from Centerville (south of Dayton) and visit there every summer. Wish I was there now!
