Happy Monday!
This is our last Monday before Spring Break!!!
Our Spring Break starts with an early release (12:15) this Friday. Staff returns for Professional Development on Tuesday April 22nd, and students return the following day. I have so many school projects to tackle throughout the break...more on that later!
So last week was a bit different for our school than most and I think I was able to process it more over the weekend. We had gone back to school Friday with literally no time to rest or even think. I was doing pretty well on Friday evening and then started to get a bit emotional on Saturday (mixed with being waaayyy overtired). And then yesterday, I'm not sure what happened...Mr. D woke up with the stomach flu and I took care of him and things around the house. It was great to get my mind off of everything, but then next thing I knew it was 4:30 and I had fallen asleep. I slept more than 10 hours straight! Last time I've done that? Never! I average 7 hours if I'm lucky. I guess I really needed it!
I woke up this morning to a few emails from school. We'll have additional counseling supports returning this week for students, families, and staff. It also looks like we'll be having a moonbounce (?!?) at our school at the end of the week! I imagine some sweet soul has donated the use of it for our students!
It's a short week for me because I'm leaving with two OUTSTANDING special educators to drive to Philly early Thursday morning to attend the Council for Exceptional Children Convention. I'm so excited!! Even the conversation (and laughs) on the 2-hour drive will count as professional development! We return Saturday evening and then Spring Break will officially begin!
Here's my jamicure in celebration of the conference!
This week, I will be concentrating on making things as normal as possible for students, plus wrap up ALL the learning we need to fit in before the break. I can't take a break for additional Spring and Easter activities, so I have to mix it in wherever it fits:
We'll be using my Spring Sentence Builders set.
My students ♥ these!
The preview above shows only a few pages from the packet!
Last week, we worked with the model sentences. This week, we'll be moving on to the Sentence Scramblers!
My reading intervention group will also be reviewing with this packet:
What will you be doing to celebrate spring with your students?
Please leave a comment below! Thanks!

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