Friday, December 11, 2015

5 for Friday!

We made it!!!

Happy 5 for Friday!

Thank you Kacey for the weekly linky party!

So much to share. So tired.

Bo has been up to no good! To say I have the most PERFECT caseload for the season would be a major understatement. My students are talking about Bo, writing about Bo...everything BO! 
I couldn't be a happier first grade special educator :)

Bo went shopping and bought himself a parka and then made snow angels! Then he trapped himself and ALL our decoding strategy animals with these cute bracelets! 
It was hilarious, first grade-style.

There was also a mishap with a dry erase markers and mustaches appearing on our Daily Five centers. So funny!

My students have been diligently keeping their journals writing daily about Bo's mayhem. I've just started letting my students self-select their centers and Work on Writing is the most requested. YAY!

The journal is in this mega Elf freebie:

I also keep a pinterest board all about the elf here.

Bo only visits during Guided Reading Monday-Thursday 8:30-9:30, so we get to enjoy a new adventure for about 12 schools days. After 9:30, his whereabouts are "unknown," (my desk drawer).

We also had a cat party (not really). 
I may have begged a student to choose this one.

And here's an update to our first round of Hallway Rock Stars!

Have a fantastic Friday!


  1. Good Morning, Your elf Antics products looks great! Thanks for sharing the Cat Party I must check this one out!

  2. Lol at the cat party! Your poor elf! I feel like I am missing out on that whole thing not having a classroom this year and only a one year old who wouldn't have a clue. I'm pretty sure my husband would say I was wasting my time! Ha, next year!

    Literacy Spark

  3. Love Cat Party! Those guys are the best.

  4. I love the Elf Antics packet with the classroom elf ideas. I can't do an elf right now because my daughter is in my room every!

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