Sunday, July 8, 2012

In Loving Wisdom

Do you remember your first year of teaching?
I certainly blocked mine out!

I've actually had two "first" years  - my first was almost 20 years ago when I taught piano & I honestly don't remember anything except working 'round the clock and loving it!  My second "first" year was only 2 years ago and Oh. My. Goodness... 
it was something else!

This latest linky is amazing - we are linking up and sharing wit & wisdom to pass on to new teachers. Thank you Deb from Fabulously First for starting this thoughtful linky party!

Fabulously First

I've read through the previous bloggers & they hit the nail on the head...such terrific & HONEST advice. I really feel like education majors should spend the majority of their time as student teachers  & blog-stalkers. It would be great preparation!

So the previous bloggers already did such a fantastic job of covering everything I wanted to share. 
This is the only additional advice I'd like to pass on
(& remind myself of, daily):

1. Be nice to yourself!!
It's really hard to do when you feel like you're not doing anything right! Plus there are going to be students who take out their emotional issues on you and you can't take it personally. So stay positive and don't beat yourself up!

2. Take good care of your body
Where I work, teaching IS exercise, but it's still important to build those healthy rituals because you'll be exposed to germies from little friends' noses & worse. Take your vitamins!

3. Take good care of your mind
Sleep as much as you can! I know you won't have time, but try your best! Read Fifty Shades of Grey... or anything  to get your mind off teaching! It's not selfish or a waste of time because you're recharging yourself.

4. Don't ever forget: "this too shall pass"
 Everyone has a first year (or two!) and we all have war stories.
It will seem funny several years from now!!


  1. I definitely agree with all of the above. Looking back, I didn't take as good care of myself like I should have that first year. I like your "Take Your Mind Off of Teaching" too. That is so important even though it seems to consume most teachers no matter how many years we've been teaching lol. :) Great advice!
    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  2. This is great advice! You can't take care of others if you aren't taken care of first!

    Owl Things First
