Wednesday, October 31, 2012

What's in Your Kitchen?

Today is my 4th "Saturday" in a was canceled due to Sandy on Monday, Tuesday, AND today. Although I always love an unexpected break, I don't think I want to sit through a hurricane again anytime soon! It's kind of like sitting on a plane with turbulence and just "waiting," because it's all you can do! We were so, so lucky with only leaky windows, which I'm sure could happen to any house when the rain is horizontal! My heart goes out to everyone who is dealing with much larger problems these past few days and the weeks ahead.
Looking forward to this abbreviated school week, I'm BEYOND excited that we are starting our unit on place value and Silent E. These are my faves!! I've been working on updating my Silent E Learning Activities packet & should have it revised very soon (tonight?)!
In the meantime, here's a super quick & easy math activity I've been using for spiral review. You may already have what you your kitchen!
You have lima beans, right?
j/k, I didn't even know about them until I saw it on Pinterest!
Simply print out 120 charts on orange or green cardstock & have your students sharpen their number sense using these cute ghosts!

I have also been using mini-pumpkin erasers (Target dollar bin!). They are the perfect size!

I'm using the themed and plain 120s chart from my freebie Guess the Spooky Number. Please click here to download your own copy!

& grab some more treats (no tricks!) at this Halloween linky party hosted by Journey of a Substitute Teacher! She is offering free chevron holiday paper - woot!woot!

Happy Halloween!

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