Saturday, April 20, 2013

Five for Friday! Testing is Over!

A very special Five for Friday to celebrate
the end of testing (for this year)!!
Thank you Doodle Bugs Teaching!

5. This is a reenactment of our testing sessions:
 For four days in a row, my young learners sat in an empty classroom and completed the Stanford 10. On Thursday, the test took my first graders FIVE hours to complete. We did it in short sessions with water, snack, restroom, and exercise breaks.  On Friday, we had a pizza party to celebrate and made posters depicting how we rocked the test. The above poster is from one of my students. She drew me walking around the room to "make sure we keep going!" I'm very surprised, but glad that I'm smiling in the picture. But it looks like I need to schedule a manicure!
4. Although the week was a complete blur, I did manage to snap this cutie holding his science project:
I ♥ how proud he is of his hard work!
3. Speaking of science, we have the most amazing team of science teachers! Here's what I snapped when I walked in to pick up a student for testing:
2.  This one is not exactly teaching-related,
but it was an important part of my week!
Testing accommodations for my students include multiple and frequent breaks. The challenge is doing an activity that is quiet while the rest of the classrooms are testing! I ended up breaking out this yoga card set and my students LOVED it! They definitely took liberties with the poses, but I just chalked that up to creativity :)  You can find this set here.
1. My escape break from testing continues to be revising last year's activity packs! It's been so much fun to do.
I added 39 new pages to this unit. If you have already purchased it, thank you very much! Please go to your purchases at TPT and redownload to receive the new picture/text cards, mini-book pages, and more!
Thanks for reading ~ have a super weekend!


  1. LOVE the yoga card idea! We have testing this week, but for our upper grade levels. My kids have to be super quiet....with a sub. I'm administering the test to fifth graders.

    Rowdy in First Grade

    1. Oh no, with a sub?? Good luck! I hope it goes well :)

  2. Tell your kid with the science project how great it looks! He did an AWESOME job and it reminds me of my favorite memories in school---building and creating.

    found you through the link up
    Digital: Divide & Conquer

    1. Thanks, but I can't take credit, we have a fabulous Science team!
      Thank you for you comment & becoming a follower!

  3. Congrats on having testing be over, we are starting our very soon! Ugh!!! Not looking foward to it. Found your blog through the 5 for Friday linky and love it. Its so cute! I am now your newest follower!


    First Grade A to Z

    1. Thanks for your kind words!
      Good luck with the testing! It's tough this time of year - spring fever has hit our school (students & adults!).

  4. I added your button to my blog-I love connecting with other special education teachers. Thanks for sharing, Heather
