Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Who Will Help? (Seriously, I Need Help!)

I'm trying something brand new this week with my Power Hour reading intervention group and could use some help! 
I'm including a freebie in this post and would very much appreciate anyone who can try it out and provide feedback. 
If you can help me, I (and my students) would be so thankful 
(and there might be an extra treat available).

Here's a little background... 
(or you can skip forward to my plea for help!)

I work with a little group of rockstars who are reading below the first grade level right now. There are students with I.E.P. goals/objectives in the area of early literacy, students with 504 plans, and students who are on the radar because they haven't grown in reading yet. 

We just finished up our F&P, so next week I will be losing some of my students who made progress (I'll miss them, but yay!) and gaining a few who didn't show any growth last semester. The majority of my students are reading on Level B/C. This group is hard-working, but there can be a few interfering behaviors. Usually at this point in the year, these behaviors are due to avoidance or frustration. I usually can nip these in the bud with engaging activities at the appropriate level and extreme structure.


Our Power Hour meets Monday-Thursday for 45 minutes. We start with Shared Reading and  then 2 rotations of Guided Reading and phonics and/or writing centers. Every student receives two take-home books per week: 1 from Reading A-Z and 1 from all the wonderful resources on TPT.

As a special educator, I'm always watching the ratio of teacher-led versus student-led activities. I want my students to interact appropriately with each other while I'm still able to provide support. Working with a group of struggling readers is often tricky because they often need so much support. 

I recently purchased these Readers Theater sets (I got all of them!) from the Teeny Tiny Teacher. I LOVE THEM!!! I really believe this will help with the ratio I'm seeking, plus provide positive reading experience for this group!  Unfortunately, they are at the cusp of being just a teeny bit above my students' current level. I'd almost rather have the scripts a tad easier (independent versus instructional) level until they are ready. Hopefully we will be able to use her sets before Spring Break! Wearethisclose!

In the meantime, I made this little Readers Theater that features kindergarten sight words and my students' all-time favorite theme. I will be trying it this week and then reflecting on how it went. I would really appreciate it if anyone out there could do the same! I would put the level around Guided Reading Level B, so kindergarten may find it just right. 

Included in this freebie:
Cover with headers of the two parts ("rock" and "star")
Two pages of scripts - the underlined words are featured on picture/text vocab cards
Vocabulary picture/text cards
Directions & information for providing feedback

If you can help, please download the file here 
& thank you very much!


  1. I can't help with your Reader's Theatre but I do have a nifty behavior plan that I can share using points and menus if you'd like. :)

    1. I would love to see your behavior plan! I teach resource and some of my kids are falling apart!

  2. This will be great with my resource kids. Thank you!

  3. This was SO much fun! My kids loved it. I have never seen them so engaged while reading. Thank you so much for this freebie and I will definitely be looking for more!

    1. Hi Heidi! I just posted a new Readers Theater freebie for Read Across America.
      I hope you can use it with your groups!
