Sunday, March 30, 2014

Guided Reading Growth!

Happy Sunday!'s raining cats and dogs here and has been most of the weekend! It's been a perfect excuse for comfort eating and blog surfing...instead of spring cleaning and lesson planning!

We are way overdue for Spring Break around here! 10 more school days to go! And it's actually only 8 more school days for me because I'm leaving next Thursday for this

After Spring Break, our students return for about 6 weeks of instruction! That's it! While I'm thrilled to see a break on the horizon, I'm also PANICKING - 6 weeks to get my firsties ready for 2nd grade?!? Yikes!

Because I'm the queen of procrastination for lesson planning this morning, I decided to make a growth chart to measure my Power Hour students. I still have a few more assessments to finish, 
but here's the scoop so far:

The students with * have IEP goals/objectives specifically for literacy (decoding and comprehension). The blue boxes measure the F&P levels my students have grown. I chose to construct the graph this way to focus on growth versus actual Guided Reading Level. The majority of my students started in September between AA-B (way, way below grade level). 

Please don't hate me, but I'm one of those teachers who absolutely LOVES collecting and analyzing data. It's so helpful, especially when you are in the daily grind and not noticing the little moments of growth. Data literally drives every instructional decision I make Every. Single. Day.

Over Spring Break, I'm going to get cozy with this literacy data and fine-tune what I've been using...what's working and what needs to be put aside (no matter how cute or innovative it is!). If it's not working for this particular crew, it's being shelved. Goodbye!

Speaking of what works, I added my Blending Boards to the 20% off sale through tomorrow! This pack includes 200 pages of decoding boards - I use these every day, plus add them to my students' homework packets. Thankfully, they love them, too!
I've posted about these magical boards before...please follow this link for free samples to learn more!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

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