Sunday, March 23, 2014

Student Data Notebooks LINKY Party!

Happy Sunday!

GOOOO UD! So happy my hometown won last night!
I'm so sorry about all your brackets :(

Yesterday I received a comment on Instagram that could
not have come at a better time:

The comment referred to a post I IG-ed a couple weeks ago shouting out one of my firsties who has really shone on her math sprints (!!!). The photo shows her progress using a math tracker I created (freebie! click here or here!) to record her progress on math sprints (Engage NY, similar to fact fluency):

This tracker is from a project I'm completely overwhelmed excited about!

I'm presenting this summer in Houston on student data notebooks! Presenting nationally has been on my bucket list for longer than I can remember! I still can't believe it :)

The above picture is fuzzy, but it shows my work in progress...
My presentation is divided into 4 sections...the what, why, and how of student data notebooks, and then a wrap-up and gallery walk. While I'll be providing sample trackers (completed by my students) throughout the presentation for reference, I will not be displaying any of my own finished products (there will be no mention of my store). 

I'd like to feature samples of student data notebooks "complete sets" featured in binders and organized by grade level. I've already purchased dozens of SDNs from TPT and will be reaching out to sellers to ask permission to display their work. The binders will featured the complete notebook in sheet protectors and seller contact information. The gallery walk is only about ten minutes and it would be terrific to have 2-3 binders per grade level for the over 100 (I hope) audience participants. The idea is to get everyone excited and provide information about where they can find more ideas (that's all of you!).

I just completed the "hunting-gathering" stage of the presentation and now working on weeding it...but it's still not too late to add your product! If you'd like some free advertising (actually, I'll be purchasing your product!), please reach out to me very soon! Thanks!

Back to Instagram...I so appreciated Primary Practice's comment! I spent hours working on this yesterday and dealing with self-doubt as my project tasks seemed to grow right before my eyes. Then I received the comment and remembered that this is an exciting venture for such a worthy cause! Student self-assessment and reflection has had a huge positive impact on my students' achievement this year and I want to shout it from the rooftops. That makes ALL this preparation process well worth it! 

Thank you Primary Practice! And by the way, I just purchased THREE items from you and ♥ them!!! I snapped up the Accountability Talk Tablets, Bloom's Taxonomy for Primary Learners, and Text Talk Smart Phones. They are absolutely terrific and will help my students learn - thank you!

I almost forgot...I'd love for everyone to link up to share their favorite Student Data Notebook ideas! This can be a product (free or paid), or a blogpost sharing your fabulous ideas. I threw a similar linky in January focusing on printables and over 80 people shared! It was awesome to gather ideas all in one place, plus I learned about so many new sellers and products.

I'd love for you to link up!

Graphics & Font:
  Melonheadz Illustrating, Katy Did Doodles, and Kimberly Geswein

This post is also linked up with:
Classroom Freebies Manic Monday


  1. I want to start these next year since I'm moving to older grades - I'll definitely check back to get some ideas and hopefully resources!


  2. And a huge congratulations on presenting at a national conference - that's so exciting!

  3. Thank you so much!! I'd love to see your trackers - I'm only working with first grade this year (Special Ed Inclusion) and so interested in how older grades can benefit.
    Thanks again,

  4. What a great idea for a linky, Jen! Thanks for sharing at Manic Monday. Congratulations & good luck on your national conference presentation!

    1. Thanks so much! I really appreciate your sweet comment :)

  5. Thanks Patti! I can't wait for you to try out data notebooks - you'll never look back! Thank you for your kinds words :)
