Thursday, March 20, 2014

TPT: A Light-Hearted Freebie!

Who needs a little humor this week?!

ME! It's been a jam-packed week...Round 3 of F&P testing started, progress reports are due, and we are all going through the formal observation process (pre-observation conference, observation lesson, and post-observation conference). My formal observation is TODAY at 1:30 and let's just say, I'll be sooo happy today around 2:30 :)  Wish me luck!

I haven't posted in a few days because my internet wasn't working at my house! It was very sad indeed, but probably good timing as I practiced (& practiced) my lesson and tackled my presentation preparation the old-fashioned way: paper and pencil (actually, colorful flair pens). The good news? I fixed it all by myself and my connection is so much faster! Now I'll be able to blog-stalk, check out TPT previews, and fill my cart like a boss! 
Just in time for the weekend :)

I know I need a laugh this week, so my Throwback Thursday post is all about April Fool's Day with a little idiom fun:

SUNDAY, MARCH 31, 2013

April Fool's! Idioms & BIG Words

Tomorrow is April Fool's Day!!
Besides cracking a few jokes (first grade style), we won't be purposely celebrating April 1st as a special day at my school. My students are precious and so sweet, but a few jokes could seriously derail our focus on instruction. But I did want to share a couple things I have been using that my students have loved! 
1. BIG Words
Have you seen these from Anthropologie?!
A coworker was using them...they are absolutely hilarious! She also teaches special education and now her students are walking around calling each other "rapscallions" and other such terms. That's probably not the purpose of the cards, but they are really fun! I couldn't find them in the stores (but found TONS of other things), so I ordered them online. They are a must have!
2. Idioms
We don't teach idioms as a standard, but I have been using them similar to the BIG words flashcards. My students benefit from any and all extra vocabulary and conversational skills. They ♥ these cards and are little mimics throwing these expressions around while working in small groups (again, probably not what they
are intended for).
I can just imagine what my students' families 
are saying about their teacher!
Here's an idiom freebie to try out - perfect for a lil' April Fool's FUN:
 These are extra pages that are coordinated with my
Idioms Activity Pack:

The awesome idiom graphics are from ATLTeacher.
My students love his artwork!
I would love to hear how you celebrate April Fool's Day with your students!
Have a super week!

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