Sunday, October 5, 2014

Organizing Freebies!

Happy Sunday!

I hope it's as beautiful where you are as it is here in Maryland. 
A perfect crisp autumn day :)

I've been on a blogging roll this past month.
Teaching has been a tad bit stressful this school year,
so blogging here (& reading your lovely comments - thank you!)
has become my therapy. 

But today? Yikes, I have nada!

There's just nothing going on.
 And I'm totally okay with that!

I continue to be busy with lesson planning, autumn-themed fun, and forever organizing my Dropbox. It's not too exciting, but I feel like I'm accomplishing quite a bit! So, I'll leave you with some of my organizational freebies. I hope you find them useful.

Both of the above links will connect you with a previous blogpost that offers a bit of background explanation. Also, I have an "Organization" label to the left with 30 (now 31!) posts...
many filled with more freebies :)

These freebies are linked with:
Classroom Freebies Manic Monday
As part of my organizing project, I also added a search bar to my blog. Now you can search beyond the labels I (sometimes) tag my posts with. 

I'm sure the new teaching week will inspire many new ideas to share!

Enjoy your day!