Monday, January 19, 2015

Progress Monitoring Made EASY!

Happy Monday!

Did you get a day off today?

This weekend, I took advantage of knowing I had extra time to create the ULTIMATE #teacherhack! 

My entire life seems to include hacks right now...what can I be doing and/or improving to help me work smarter?

I feel like I'm already maximizing my time at home...from packing lunches on Sunday, utilizing my freezer for food prep...I even lay out my gym clothes for the whole week!

I'm always trying to learn more about creating teacher hacks for the classroom. Before, I was trying to borrow materials from previously taught units and using them in my present teaching. I'm not giving up on that idea quite yet, but I did realize that I was spending way too much time digging around for the "perfect" task card and/or reading passage. It would be so much faster and easier if I had everything I needed in ONE place.

I noticed this more and more this past month as I was pulling individual students and/or small groups for progress monitoring during Power Hour. I was performing quick checks for syllables and segmentation using my Assign Yourself: Decoding Strategies booklets (I always keep these on hand for early finishers):

It definitely worked (especially the Eagle Eye pages for syllables!), but what are my students doing why I'm flipping pages? 
Yes, just sitting there :(

This weekend, I decided to pull all my resources together to create the ultimate All-in-One kit for instructional practice, progress monitoring, and assessments for phonemic awareness/phonics:

STEP refers to the assessment system my school uses (we replaced Fountas & Pinnell this past school year), but the kit works for any K-2 classroom focused on phonemic awareness/phonics. 

The kit includes colorful cards for practice 
and teacher guide pages:

The pictures can be used individually, but I purposely designed them so they could be cut into strips of 4.

Because they are in sets of 4, I can easily take a percentage: 
0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%. 

Included are Progress Monitoring recording pages that also serve as a cover page for each student:

& assessment pages (6 different pages per Levels 1-3):

I use the assessment pages the most - every student has a "quick check" (literally - about 2 minutes!) once per week. I use the colorful cards more often with students that need extra support. 

I also use the cards with my small groups during warm-ups (at the beginning of Power Hour) and cool-downs (our exit ticket out the door!).

There's Answer Keys and organizational tools included to help you create and maintain your ultimate teacher hack 
progress monitoring toolkit. 

Included: colorful covers using this ADORABLE digital paper from Teaching in the Tongass (thanks Jen!).

I also included black & white binder covers/dividers and labels:

For my own kit, I printed the black & white materials onto assorted brightly colored cardstock:

Now I just need to pick a cute set of matching binder clips!

Thank you SO MUCH to Brooke from Joyful Rigor with Ms. Jones for looking over the file and being a wonderful Instagram friend :)

Please download the preview for a closer look at everything included in the kit!

Thanks for reading! Jen

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jen, Thank you so much for sharing your fabulous ideas! I have been looking for more efficient ways to track my students' progress with phonological knowledge and this post has given me so many ideas! Thank you so much for sharing :)
