Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Wordless Hump Day & More!

How did you like that title?!?

I'm linking up with two terrific teacher-bloggers this Wednesday:

We've had snow on our mind this week with two-hour delays. We also have a new schedule starting this week for the "second half" of the school year. We switched our enrichment schedule so students can attend each one for at least some portion of the year.

Here are the enrichment classes every student receives:

Health & Wellness (gym)

Science is not an enrichment, but falls into our enrichment schedule because it's taught by a separate teacher (yay!). How does your school provide "specials" or enrichment?

The switch in schedule, plus the delays (no breakfast served), has thrown some of my little friends into a tailspin. This week, we've been heading back to basics with our updated picture schedules, along with a few reinforcing social stories. I also have been incorporating a little facial-recognition into our phonics:

Every year, I update our "Staff Phonics" cards for my students to apply their skills while becoming familiar with new staff members. You can read more about how we do this here

My favorite activity is to hide the picture (with a sticky note or just my hand), and then my students can check to see if they read the name correctly :)

These "Read It! Check It!" picture/text cards are also included in all of my phonics activity packets. They are so much fun and my students feel so proud of themselves!

Lastly, I wanted to share a freebie I discovered this week:

Please visit Jeff Anderson's "The Write Guy" site for more recommendations - I downloaded all of them! 

Are there any songs that you would add to the list?

My daily go-to is our clean-up song:

Everybody helps!

My students ♥  to all pitch in because they know if they finish cleaning up before the song ends, they get free dance time! They usually can clean up under 1 minute (barring any disasters) and get their groove on for over one minute. It's a happy and (usually) successful transition!

Thank you for reading this completely random post.
Have a fabulous day!

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