Thursday, May 2, 2013

Currently May!

I've been SO excited for this month's Currently!
First, because it's May, which is one of my favorite months...and because I'm the Currently sponsor for the month! Woohoo!

 It was fun to correspond with the famous & talented Farley,
plus it was EASY! Check out her site to learn more.
Listening: I've been listening to this for the past week!
I can definitely explain...
Our school has ascension ceremonies for each grade at the end of the year. We pass out certificates, sing a song (i.e.: The World's Greatest by R. Kelly or Shooting Star by Earth, Wind, & Fire), and perform some type of special student presentation (i.e.: a poem or reading). In a very weak moment, I volunteered to organize the special presentation! It will feature 12 students, so I thought a quick Google search would help me find an appropriate reading that I could easily divide up. Um...nope! I found tons and tons of poems, but they just didn't seem appropriate for this group. Then I found the song and felt that it could easily lend itself to a reading (rather than singing). I was also able to divide it easily into 12 parts with every student having the opportunity to have two speaking parts (the color-coding designates each part):
What do you think?? I welcome any feedback, thanks!
Loving: this cute new running skirt from Athleta!
I'm running the Port to Fort 6K this Sunday (prayers welcome, lol!) and have to arrive around 6:45 am. It's going to be a bit chilly, so I just had to have this super sweet skirt ;)
Thinking: I really should be in bed right now! I just got super excited for the Currently, my latest TPT project, the HH I'm attending after school today, etc. How can I sleep with all that going on??
Wanting: I really need to go to DSW. That probably doesn't sound like a chore to you, but I really struggle with finding shoes! I just have no shoe sense, so I'm always staring at people's feet! I ask all the younger teachers at my school for foot fashion advice. Somehow I always end up with the same "safe" choices of comfortable shoes. Or I finally find the right shoes the last week they are in style.
Needing: shelving for my office at school. I'm thinking of getting 2-3 of those Rubbermaid shelving units (i.e.: Ikea or Home Depot) to put all my containers/tubs on at school. We are being asked to declutter everything because of our extreme mouse situation (yuck). Everything needs to be off the ground and away from the perimeters, so the mouse "presents" can be cleaned easily. Right now I have a lot of stacks of paperwork and overflowing tubs of materials sitting on my office floor. It's going to be a huge project this summer, but totally worth it!
Summer Bucket List: Although our last day of school isn't until June 13th, my grad school class and summer travel plans start sooner. The class is from June 3rd-July 6th and my traveling begins next week! Between May 9 and July 29th, I will be traveling to Vegas, Virginia (a wedding at a vineyard!), a June 8th wedding on the Eastern Shore, July 4th wedding in Washington DC, Ohio, and back to Vegas (conference)! Can't wait! And in between all these awesome trips, we need to DEEP-CLEAN our house. My teaching materials basement "stacks" are all toppled over and need to be reorganized/recycled. The rest of the house has an abandoned feel to it...tons of dust from lack of use. It's going to feel so good to open all the windows and clean from top to bottom. I'm just not sure when that's going to happen!
Have a super week!


  1. I love your running skirt! Hey, I'm doing a giveaway of those really cool pencil sharpeners--I would love to have you drop by. I'm also hosting a linky. Good luck on your class!

  2. Oh wow that song is brilliant- I'm just about to start a unit with my class this coming term about creating a life vision for yourself- Just today I downloaded the lyrics to Hall of Fame by the Script and the song you've done will also be perfect!

    x Serena x
    Magic Mistakes & Mayhem

    1. Just followed your blog and will go hunt you down on Instagram now :)

      x Serena x

  3. Good Luck with the run on Sunday.

    Looks like you have a really busy Wedding filled Summer. 3 in 6wks. WOW!

  4. Have fun on your run! I love your new running skirt too!
    Fun in ECSE

  5. I just got a new running skirt too! I can't wait for it to get warm here in NC again so I can wear it! I have a feeling it is going to be a summer staple! That Athleta one is really cute! I love how comfy and durable their clothes are!

    :) Sarah
    First Grade Buddies

  6. I love that you are using the song in that way - what a great idea! Also loving that running skirt, it'll definitely make you run faster ;)

    Bridget x
    Top Teacher
