Saturday, May 4, 2013

Five for Friday: Freebie Edition!

It's time for Five for Friday!!
Hosted by Kacey at Doodle Bugs Teaching!
As always, in preparation for this weekly linky, I peruse through the photos on my iphone. This week? NADA!!! There was a lot of learning going on this week, but sadly I didn't capture any of it with a photo.
So I'm turning this Five for Friday post into a freebie-fest...offering some new & old freebies.
5. Ole! Extras
Our students learn 200 Fry words each school year. The first graders have been working on words 201-400...tested on 5-6 per week. Reading sight words automatically is also an I.E.P. objective for many of the students I work with. Our last quarter progress reports are right around the corner, so I've been having my students play the game Ole! to review words 201-300 (plus I can do a checklist assessment!). The game also includes extra "taco" letters to use for word building. I'm always encouraging my students to recognize "chunks" in words, so I put together
these extra cards:
There's 30 extra phonics "chunks" to coordinate with the letter cards. Download this extra set here!
4. Orderly Extras!
These past few weeks I've been updating and revising my organizational packet The Orderly Teacher. I'm adding more backgrounds to mix & match with the b/w version, plus creating additional themes: Glitter, Jungle, Chevron, Trendy, Silly, and "Hungry" (my personal fave!). Fingers crossed that these are finished by the end of the weekend! In the meantime, please check out the b/w and "Preppy" themed extras:

If there's a particular theme you're looking for,
please let me know!
3. Fantasy vs Reality
I made a very simply sort as a "hook" for reading A Pet for Jupe (Reading A-Z Level F). We've been talking a lot about fantasy vs. reality and I've been surprised about how many of my students just don't understand that Sponge Bob is NOT real. I'm not kidding, I've been crushing children's dreams all week 
with this news :( 
There's 12 cards in all & the 2 sorting mats.
Click here to download your copy!
2. Silent Letters - Phonics Practice
I wanted to highlight this freebie from my TPT store because it's on my radar for a summer project. I'm hoping to create a phonics packet featuring all the silent letters my first graders need to know: kn, gn, mb, and wr. Please click here to download
"Wriggle Snakes."
1. Happy Cinco de Mayo!
Are you celebrating Cinco de Mayo in your classroom? We have a "Spanish Day!" annual event that coincides with May 5th, but don't have any other activities planned within the general education curriculum. Last year, I used this packet with my students. It has been recently updated for this year!
Next week, I'll be sure to have my phone camera charged & ready!
Have a super weekend!


  1. Hi~I found you via the linky and wanted to tell you how much I appreciate what you do. I team teach with an inclusion teacher for 90 minutes a day and I see that it takes a special heart to do what you do. I'm your newest follower. :)
    Brandee @ Creating Lifelong Learners

  2. So glad to come upon a special education teacher's blog! As a regular division teacher with a special education background and inclusion, I was so please to find you. I am a new follower and will be back to read future posts!

    All the best--
    Sarah @ Hoots N Hollers

  3. I so appreciate the comments, thank you! I'm glad to hear from other teachers :)

  4. Thanks so much for your generous positively learning tidbits... I very much enjoy reading and using your posts in my class. Thanks again!
