Friday, June 21, 2013

Five for Friday & a Freebie!

Five for Friday...on a FRIDAY!
I think this is a first for me!
Thank you Kacey at Doodle Bugs Teaching for always keeping us together! (Update: the linky party wasn't up yet, but in the meantime...check out her fab blog!)
Here's my five!
5. Summer is finally here! We finished last Wednesday and are on break until teachers report back July 24th. I may have to sneak in a day or two earlier to set up my office. I'm thankful to have time to catch up on blogging, updating TPT products (custom categories anyone?) and longer workouts. I'm most definitely NOT missing getting ready every morning here:

This is the bane of my existence, a.k.a. my locker at the gym.
I get ready in this teeny-tiny, public space every morning before work. BLAH! I'm so happy to be getting ready (or not, I'm only going to Target & can wear sunglasses) at home these days! The only downfall to not using my locker for 5 weeks is carving out my space again when I return to the work routine.
4. Planners!
Check out these cuties! May Designs was having a 50% sale around Memorial Day and I picked out these two. I ♥ how they turned out! Did you notice that they match my blog design ;) They are very, very thin and small. Not what I was thinking of for teaching, but really cute for "normal life." They would fit well in a small-ish purse. We'll see!
3. 1000 Votes!
I took this screen shot about a week ago - 1000 votes!
I'm so incredibly thankful for all the positivity floating around TPT and the blogosphere. I've connected with so many wonderful educators from around the world and I'm a MUCH better person for it! I also appreciate all the votes of confidence for my products...especially those who take the time to leave feedback on the freebies. I create my products 100% for my students, which means a lot of love goes into them...yet, they may not always be exactly right for someone else's littles. By leaving feedback and suggestions, I can always make the necessary adjustments to customize for ALL students to learn and grow from my products. So, thank you again for all the awesome feedback - to quote Paul & TPT, "You Rock!"
4. Instagram & Blog Lovin'
I know you already know all about this...but yesterday I "claimed" my blog with Blog Lovin' and I'm really happy I did. Somehow I already had 161 followers, which is AWESOME considering I didn't know what Blog Lovin' was! It looks great and I'm now following some of my faves in this easier-to-read format. Check out the little button on the right of this post! You may also notice my latest obsession...Instagram. To think I only signed up less than a month ago!! It seems like my new BFF and I have been together much longer. This week I also discovered how to add the cute text, doodles, etc. I see on everyone's pics (using "A Beautiful Mess" app!). Here's my exciting life captured with all this technology:
Step 1: cutting my veggies for dinner
Step 2: trying to remember how to use the grill!
Step 3: salad!
(& that IS a paper plate, no judging please!)
1. A Freebie Update!
I had two classroom kit requests! I finally finished them and feel so accomplished! As soon as I hit "publish" on this post, I'm stepping away from the computer for the rest of the afternoon (we'll see how long that lasts!). I updated my Daily Five Freebie to coordinate with these new classroom kits.
(& I apologize for the blatant advertising!):
Here's a peek at the newest kits:

It has foil in much fun to create! Here's the matching "Orderly Teacher" set:

This was a request from a teacher to add to her growing collection with the same theme. It was a creative challenge to come up with styles that were matching, yet was a lot of fun!

and, of course, the matching teacher organization set:

Now I need a major neck massage from sitting
and squinting at this screen!
Have a FABULOUS weekend!


  1. Wow...I love your blog! It is amazing! I have a friend who wants to do a Dr. Seuss theme for her first year teaching. I am sending her your way. I think your "So Silly Classroom Kit" would be perfect!
    ~Your newest follower
    Natalie (

  2. I just claimed my blog name on Bloglovin yesterday did I get followers before doing so I have no idea! I did sign up for the feed a while ago, so maybe that's it. I didn't even know we had to "claim" officially!
    Following you now. :-)
    Whimsy Workshop
