Friday, July 19, 2013

Throwback Thursday AND Favorite Pins Friday!

Let's just pretend I didn't miss an entire week of blogging...and barely know what day it is. I need time to SLOW DOWN because I have to report back to school NEXT WEEK! So I'm not saying TGIF today because I'm sad it's my last summer Friday.
On a more positive note - I ran into a teacher from my school at Safeway today & we talked non-stop for 30 minutes about the kids. I'm a little surprised, too. It was great knowing I can jump right back in & feel excited that quickly!
Today I'm linking up with Cara Carroll TWICE to make up for being delinquent all week! Thank you Cara from The First Grade Parade for hosting us :)
Throwback Thursday is up 1st:
This is from January and something I need to update as soon as staff returns next week! My students LOVE, LOVE, LOVE these cards. They request them & I actually use them as INCENTIVES to line up quietly (& safely!). It's going to be awesome next week as I introduce myself to new hires & then ask to snap their pic :)

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Phonics: Involve the School!

I wanted to share something new I'm doing with phonics this year!
My 1st graders have LOVED this!
We use the Open Court sounds and spellings in grades K-2nd at my school. By midway 1st grade, our students have been exposed to all the sound cards, including the vowel dipthongs and digraphs.
We continue to work on blending, dictation, and applying our skills while reading across the curriculum.
The question I ask maybe two three dozen times per day is:
"What do you notice about this word?"
This probably sounds very familiar :)
I also like to highlight what we notice, like this:

font by Jessica Stanford

This year, I snapped photos of the teachers and staff to create "environmentally-friendly" flashcards. Although my colleagues looked at me a little strange, my students have gotten SUCH a kick out of it. I can't display the actual cards without teachers' permission, but here's a sample of what they look like:

Let's pause to think about what it would be like if Becks actually worked at our school...
SIGH...moving on :)
Side Note: isn't that a terrific picture of Meryl? Sooo classy!
I hope you can use this quick & easy phonics idea with your students!
Now it's on to Favorite Pins Friday & a disclaimer. I'm going to break the rules just this once because I wanted to share something I thought was so funny & appropriate:
Have you seen this yet?
The article sums up perfectly how I feel about 99% of the teacher crafts I pin from all you bloggers out there. I have tried and tried to recreate all the awesomeness I've seen with NO luck. I have just learned to accept that I have to stick with simple lines & symmetry (chevron!).
Have a super weekend! If you've been following me for awhile (hint: a year), then you will know that something special will be announced tomorrow! Please stop back!

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