Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Just Add Coffee!

I saw this image blur past on FB and literally LOL'd:

That is sadly 100% true for me!
(I found a copy of the image at this blog)
I'm in my third week back at school and the children arrive on Monday (!!). Last week, the entire staff attended a nationwide school summit (3000 educators) in Las Vegas. It was a FABULOUS time full of learning, team-building, and some truly hilarious moments.
I'm still too tired to give the conference justice in words,
so here are a few pictures:
I arrived Sunday evening and snapped this photo  - I've never experienced a rainstorm in Vegas before! The contrast in the sky was amazing...and luckily it was perfectly sunny the rest of the week!
I'm from the East Coast and it took a long time (actually, it never happened) to adjust to the three hours difference. So here's me at the bar ordering an espresso before my 5 am run:
I'm pretty sure I was the only one drinking coffee!
We stayed at The Cosmopolitan - whoa, I definitely didn't pack the right attire ;)
On Monday evening, there was a welcoming reception at the pool:
There was a clear cover over the pool so you could walk across it to mingle. You know, a typical Monday evening.
Although we felt like we were on vacation, it was still a work week and there was plenty of tasks to complete.
Check out my new office!
After four days packed with sessions and speakers, the conference concluded Thursday night with a gala. They rolled out the red carpet for all of us!
It was so nice, but we did have to deal with paparazzi. It was fun because they saw my nametag and were yelling "Jennifer, we're such a fan of your work!" It was awesome!

The gala was full of laughter, inspiration, and emotion. At the conclusion, we were surprised with a guest performer:

It was SO exciting! She is actively involved in supporting education (yay!) and sang three songs. A true class act!
Right now I'm heading back into scheduling, phone calls,
and setting up data trackers.
Have a terrific Tuesday!


  1. Wow! That looks like such a great time. Too cute that they had the red carpet and paparazzi. Good luck getting ready for your kids on Monday!

    1. Thank you very much! Orientation tonight...almost ready!

  2. How fun to be able to go to Vegas!! Have a great first day!!

    Resource Room Rules

  3. You must have come to Vegas at the right time. I just moved to Vegas from LA last month to teach third grade and it's been SO HOT. The week of lightning and rain was a much needed break from the heat!

    The Adventures of a New Third Grade Teacher
